Turbot ( TURn - roBOT ) - Flippers
This is the first one made.
The "black tape" areas are batteries.
Motors are Nihon mini-motors from www.BGMicro.com.
It uses a 74HC14 PNC Microcore tied to a 74AC245 for the motor driver.
It has PD's for the sensors, but only on the top. They can be seen
on the larger pix,
laying over the caps and resistors along the top right edge of the
The springs on the corners and the round rubber bumpers are for helping
reduce the "bounce" when it flips over.
This is the second one made.
Waiting for the "big helper" to flip the tiny "off switch".
Two Nihon Mini-motors, One controller - Lopsided BiCore controlling
a MicroCore. Motors driven from MicroCore directly.
Paper tape holds the batteries in place, temporarily.
Chip - 74AC14.
MicroCore - Caps on MicroCore = 0.22uF, Resistors = 3.3M.
Gates, 1 in - 2 out, 13 in - 12 out, 3 in - 4 out, 11 in - 10 out.
BiCore - Leftover two gates of the 74AC14, Caps = one 0.1uF and one
0.22uF, Resistors - 3.3M.
Gates, 5 in - 6 out, 9 in - 8 out.
BiCore - Has the light sensing PhotoDiodes along with green LED's for
BiCore - Outputs 6 & 8 tied to the MicroCore inputs 1 & 3 through
2.2M resistors.
PhotoDiodes = Tie directly to the BiCore, facing each other and have
a 68K resistor between the photodiodes.
Batteries = Two each 3V Lithium, look like short, fat AA's.
To hold the circuit boards in place, three nuts were soldered to the
frame, then screws put through the board into those nuts.
Soldered nuts are also holding the mini-motors.
These turbots seem to like to find an object in the room and then stay
right next to it.
Kinda like a cat rubbing on your legs, forever.
The "legs" seem to get caught under objects and then like to bend themselves
out of shape.
They may get changed to springs, long ones.
Paul T. Barton
This page updated: February/27/2002