Slider - Nihon Mini-Motor Style

My First One
Two Motor WalkerSchematic
This one has a movie1.37MB MPG Movie, 320x200 resolution, 15 seconds..
Nihon Mini Motor Bug
The Gear SetGear Modifying Instructions.
Bridge Head
CyberArm revisited
Number 5 - Bugger
Symet Page
Turbot PageFirst one - 1.37MB MPG file.Second One - 1.37MB MPG file.
Biggie Page
whine-whine-whine-WHINE-WAV file, 76K.
PIC-16LF84 chip, emulates a microcore.Schematic - JPEG image 925 x 683 pixels.Source file for GP16LF84.Hex File for programming into PIC-16LF84-04/P


Today this slider got a new controller, 12/19/2001.

This controller is almost exactly the same as the one on the 16LF84 button above, with no IR sensor.
Hopefully this will eliminate the "legs getting out of position" syndrome.
After every 100 cycles the legs reposition themselves, "getting into sync".

Actually this slider does not weigh enough to keep itself in position when just one leg moves.
A heavier frame will be constructed with the motors farther apart.  Right now the motors are about 4 inches apart and that's not enough to keep it from tipping.  3/32" Brass rod will be used and the motors will be about 5" apart.  Extra weight may be added if needed.

Rotational switches:
#10 guitar string is used, cut in about a 1 inch long piece, bent 90 degrees at about 3/4 inch, hot-glued the short end to the frame so that the long end points down.  Soldered this hot-glued switch wire back to the controller board so that when the leg comes around, it grounds this "guitar wire" and tells the microcontroller that it did reach it's correct angle.  The slider frame is electrical ground.  On two of the legs, an extra wire is attached so that when the leg comes around it hits the switch at the correct position.

Set counter=100.
Locate all three legs to the same rotational direction, i.e. they all point North, for instance.

Main Loop:
Then each leg rotates individually and a "beep" sounds. Motor 1 - Beep - Motor 2 - Beep - Motor 3 - Beep.
When all three legs have moved, all three legs simultaneously rotate the opposite rotation and a "Beep-Beep" sounds.
Counter = counter-1
If counter = 0, Then goto Power-Up: Else goto Main Loop.

Interrupt: When the 'edge' detector is activated;
Then a triple "beep-beep-beep" sounds and all legs relocate to about 60 degrees or so.
Action continues from where it got interrupted.


Uses three vertically mounted Nihon Mini-Motors.
No sensors yet, coming later.
Motors mounted in a "Y" frame with the motors being about 4 inches away from each other.
Motors are screwed into brass nuts. The brass nuts are soldered to the frame.
Has legs that are about 1 inch long with 0.55 inch brass domes for feet
( domes made with a Whitney punch, with the "bump" hammered down, after punching )
This is so that it will "slide" on a tight napped carpet, and does.
First "sliding", July 10, 2001.

Uses the 1-2-3-MOVE "improved" circuit by Bruce N. Robinson, Thanks Bruce!
whine-whine-whine-WHINE wav file, see button above. <g>
This moves each leg individually, clockwise 1-2-3, then moves all legs together, counterclockwise.
Rewired MicroCore, 1.3M resistors, 0.22uF caps, 74HC14 core, 74AC245 driver, no sensors yet.
Since the driver is a single 74AC245 and there's not enough drive for the common side of all motors,
the counterclockwise movement is less than each individual movement.

JPEG image 435 x 430 pixels
Here is a picture of the slider.
JPEG image 510 x 439 pixels
And another.
JPEG image 304 x 241 pixels
Also, the foot.

You can see the brass nuts that are soldered to the frame. This is so that the motors could be removed, later.

Paul T. Barton

This page updated: February/27/2002